St Kilda Rd Towers, Suite 204 1 Queens Road, Melbourne 3004
189 Somerville Road, Yarraville 3013

How To Care For Your Feet If You’re Diabetic?


If you suffer from diabetes, it is very important for you to care for your feet. Diabetes can increase your risk of developing foot ulcers that can lead to amputations. But how can this happen?


Diabetes can damage the nerves in your feet when blood sugar levels are not well controlled. Nerve damage can cause decreased or no sensation in your feet, numbness, tingling or a burning sensation.


In addition, poor blood sugar level control can cause a reduced supply of blood to the feet. This can cause leg cramps, pain in the feet and lower leg, cold feet and poorly healing wounds/cuts that can sometimes get infected and in some cases can lead to amputation.


Therefore it is important to check and look after your feet daily. This includes:

  • Checking for any cracks or cuts
  • Checking for anything that looks different – redness, swelling, blisters, whiteness in-between the toes, or a rash
  • Checking inside your shoes for anything that may have fallen in
  • Checking your socks
  • Apply a foot cream daily
  • Wear appropriate comfortable footwear
  • Don’t wear tight socks
  • Dry your feet well after showering


It is also important to get your feet checked by a podiatrist every 3-6 months. This check will include:

  • Blood flow to the feet
  • Sensation feeling
  • Biomechanics
  • Corns and callus
  • Dry skin
  • Any signs of infection
  • Toe nails


If you suffer from diabetes and are wishing to get your feet checked or you want to get some advice on your feet, or any other foot related issues. Don’t hesitate to visit us at Podiatry HQ Our friendly staff are waiting to take your call on (03) 8645 9888 or you can make a booking online here.

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