St Kilda Rd Towers, Suite 204 1 Queens Road, Melbourne 3004
189 Somerville Road, Yarraville 3013

Travel Tips: How You Can Prevent Fungal Infections When Travelling!


Have you spent months travelling around the world and found you have developed a fungal infection that proved difficult to treat or get rid of? Are you just about to embark once again on your annual overseas holiday and find yourself wondering how to prevent yourself from developing another another fungal infection while travelling? Or do you spend most of your time sharing accommodation with other travelers in hostels? Due to the nature of fungal infections breeding within warm and moist environments, it is very easy to come in contact with another person who already has an infection. If you have ever found yourself thinking “how can I prevent myself from developing a fungal infection on both skin and nails the next time I travel” please read on!

Here are a few simple ways to avoid a fungal infection on your next holiday:

Firstly, when sharing communal areas such as showers, pool, bathrooms and locker rooms it’s best to avoid walking around barefoot, so make sure you always have a pair of thongs or sandals on your feet. Typically, fungal spores are more likely to breed within these warm environments types, making it easier for fungal infection to spread between numerous individuals very quickly.

After showering it is important to thoroughly dry your skin, especially between toes to reduce the chances of creating warm environments. While you need to make sure to thoroughly dry your feet, you also want to avoid sharing any towels and shoes with other individuals, even your family members.

After walking around all day exploring a new city, your feet are likely to start become warm and sweaty so it’s important to wear shoes that are appropriate for the weather and activities that you may partake in. Wearing shoes that are breathable with light materials, is a perfect way to avoid your feet overheating and make sure that you are changing your shoes regularly. While it can sometimes be difficult to change your shoes frequently while travelling, you can always rely on spraying your shoes with a disinfectant such as Glen 20. This will ensure you rid those fungal spores from your shoes completely.

Lastly, when travelling you may find it quite relaxing to treat yourself a pedicure to wind down after a busy holiday. While getting a pedicure may seem harmless, you want to make sure that they are using clean and sterilized instruments to avoid passing fungal infections onto yourself. If you are unsure if this is happening it may be best to avoid Mani-Pedi salons where possible.

Also make sure to protect your feet and toes at all times on holidays, even on your way to the airport home! Trauma to your nails can potentially lead to fungal infections, so protecting your toes will assist in this from occurring.

Hopefully, next time you’re travelling you can avoid any ongoing fungal nail and skin infections.

If you have recently developed a fungal infection come as see us at PodiatryHQ today for an assessment with one of your lovely podiatrists. Our friendly staff are waiting to take your call on 8645 9800. Alternatively you can book an appointment online here.
