Heel Pain can come in many different forms. Whether it’s plantar fasciitis, heel spurs, Achilles tendonitis or if you’re a junior, calcaneal apophysitis (Sever’s Disease).
At Podiatry HQ treatment is available for all types of heel pain. A biomechanical musculoskeletal assessment will be conducted to determine the source of heel pain.
A musculoskeletal ultrasound, x-ray or MRI can also be organized to clarify the extent of damage to your heel.
Treatment options to help alleviate pain to your heel include massage, rigid sports tape strapping and electrical stimulated ultrasound.
From your biomechanical musculoskeletal assessment, a treatment plan will be developed that may involve heel raises, orthotics and/or footwear changes as is deemed necessary by the severity of the pain in your heel.
In addition, load management suggestions in regards to activity levels will be reviewed
(whether sport or work related) and a tailored treatment plan created to cover all aspects of
your heel pain.
Image Reference: http://physioworks.com.au/Injuries-Conditions/Regions/heel-pain-heel-spur